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North Las Vegas Nevada Form W-8BEN-E: What You Should Know

All new owner(s) of residential property in Clark County, Nevada shall provide a completed Form W-8BEN (or IRS Form W-8ECI) before the first of each month that he/she is occupying the property. Federally qualified low income taxpayers or their responsible relatives are no longer required to file tax returns, but they are still required to fill out Form 1040 each year. (Form 1040A) For more information contact the following: Tax Center — P.O. Box 84775 — Las Vegas, NV 89711 — Phone: — Fax: Clark County, Nevada, Division of Property and Vehicle Services Toll Free — Main Number: Tax Rate for Individual — 2.9% — Annual Fee 325.00 4,600.00 Tax Rate for Corporate — 4.0% — Annual Fee 700.00 8,350.00 If this is not your tax return please call: Tax Center — P.O. Box 71470 — Las Vegas, NV 89, Ext. 230 Income tax forms are not sent by mail, but instead are delivered via UPS to a mailbox. We do not have the mailing address; please have the forms delivered to the mailbox by mail at least five days prior to the due date. Housing Choice Voucher program — This is not an IR-D or Form 1040-A. The program is run by the Nevada Department of Housing and Human Services (NHS) Housing Choice Vouchers are housing options made available to needy families. They provide homeowners with a temporary payment to live in affordable housing, and the ability to stay in the family's own home.   Housing Choice Vouchers are available throughout Clark County. You must submit the form as soon as possible. Applications may be submitted in person at one of the following locations: Clark County Department of Housing and Community Development, Room 723, Clark County Government Center 1st Floor, 1201 East Pecos Road, Las Vegas, NV 89 The Housing Choice Voucher Program Office is located at: 3151 East Pecos Road, Suite 500, Las Vegas, NV 89139 Office Hours: 8:45 a.m.

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